Hott Mess!

todays country and 80s rock hits!


Karaoke Every Thursday 7 – 10 pm

It's fun! Listening and watching talented people and not-so-talented people.  Every Thursday we do this, and some Thursdays, the guys from Baxter Brewery join us!  Do you know we have…



Local band from southern New Hampshire playing mostly high energy classic rock


The Inflatables!

Playing all the hits from yesterday and today! If you like rock, dance, hip hop, classic rock and country- then you'll love the inflatables!

Bentley’s Third Annual Truck Show

Bentley's Season Open Car Show is on Sunday, May 12 (rain date May 19) from 10 am til 2 pm.  Then weekly Bentley's Cruisin' Night Tuesday Car Shows from 5…


Whiskey 6

Whiskey-6 is (fan voted) New England Country Music “Group of the Year”. Performing big country radio.