
Karaoke Every Thursday 7 – 10 pm

It's fun! Listening and watching talented people and not-so-talented people.  Every Thursday we do this, and some Thursdays, the guys from Baxter Brewery join us!  Do you know we have…

Brad and Randy Duo

Classic and Contemporary Rock Duo with Vocals, Keyboards, Sax, Flute and Drums.

Texas Pete

Country and Southern Rock band from Southern Maine! Lets rock your country!


2 for Jackson!

Bentley's Saloon 1601 Portland Road, Arundel, ME

National award winning duo, hailing from Maine playing old country, new country and more!


Open Mic Night

Enjoy Traditional Nights & All Original Nights! PA / Stage Gear - Full Band Backup Provided. Hosted by: Ali & Nat Bailey & the OMN Band: Sparky" Marc St. Cyr…