Karaoke Every Thursday 7 – 10 pm
It's fun! Listening and watching talented people and not-so-talented people. Every Thursday we do this, and some Thursdays, the guys from Baxter Brewery join us! Do you know we have…
Inner Child
Inner child is a group of seasoned cover band rock musicians working to keep the part going all night!
The Jake Ash Band
Northeast Country music, from the drinking buddies you haven't met yet!
Wildside rocks the house playing the very best versions of your hair metal favorites. You'll swear it's 1987 when Wildside takes the stage and blasts out tunes from Bon Jovi,…
Double Entendre
Acoustic music with great harmonies or a full band with four part harmony performing many classic hits
Whiskey 6
Whiskey-6 is (fan voted) New England Country Music “Group of the Year”. Performing big country radio
Open Mic Night
Enjoy Traditional Nights & All Original Nights! PA / Stage Gear - Full Band Backup Provided. Hosted by: Ali & Nat Bailey & the OMN Band: Sparky" Marc St. Cyr…
Karaoke Every Thursday 7 – 10 pm
It's fun! Listening and watching talented people and not-so-talented people. Every Thursday we do this, and some Thursdays, the guys from Baxter Brewery join us! Do you know we have…
Stolen Mojo
"Stolen Mojo" is Maine's ultimate party/dance band for all occasions!
Girls just wanna have fun!
An 80's Ladies Tribute Band!