
Karaoke Every Thursday 7 – 10 pm

It's fun! Listening and watching talented people and not-so-talented people.  Every Thursday we do this, and some Thursdays, the guys from Baxter Brewery join us!  Do you know we have…


Like costume and dance parties?  Join DJ Keith, the Loud Proud American!  Play the Bentley's Angel or Devil tossing FREE swag from the Bentley's Hog and get a FREE Tee.…

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Southern Maine band playing rock covers from the 90's and more!

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Karaoke Every Thursday 7 – 10 pm

It's fun! Listening and watching talented people and not-so-talented people.  Every Thursday we do this, and some Thursdays, the guys from Baxter Brewery join us!  Do you know we have…